I Am a Citizen of Clearwater. I Am a Scientologist.
- Who Is the Real Block to Downtown Revitalization?
- I am a Citizen of Clearwater.
I am a Scientologist. - A Beautiful Addition to Downtown
- Stu Sjouwerman
- A Unified Vision
- Sally Goulston
- The Urban Land Institute
- Shannon Seymour
- Lyla Menkhaus
- Constantin Haag
- One Community, Many Good People
- Pam Ryan-Anderson
- Kelly Morfopoulos
- Brett Miller
- Keanan Kintzel
- Moises Agami
- Natalie Nagengast
- Jay Anderson
- Jeff Lee
- Chick Corea
- Ben Patrick
- Trish Duggan
- Dr. Richard Wallace
- Patrick Valtin
- Ralf Blackstone
- Paul Rodeghero
- Fabio & Chiara Zaniboni
- Chris Lumsden
- Teresa Riccardi
- Erika Zambrano
- David Pomeranz
- Jen Nickerson
- Robert Collewijn
- Paris Morfopoulos
- Pat Clouden
- Dr. Vanessa Waugh, D.C.
- Federico Lorente
- Charlie & Mike Lytle
- Julieta Santagostino
- Steven Hayes
- Michael D’Alesio
- Luis Colon
- Carol Kingsley
- Cameron Miller
- Jim Warren
- Linda Ferguson
- Jonathan Miller
- Jim Zwers
- Rafferty Pendery
- Joy Gendusa
- Mike Johnson
- Joanie Sigal
- Benedetto Lombardo
- Sam Gendusa
- Michael Pasquino
- Greg Nelson
- The numbers tell the story
- Bright Future
- The Big Picture
- Caring for Our Community

Almost Heaven, Almost Hell: The Opiod Crisis
- Must-Watch Shows on the Scientology Network
- The Truth About Drugs
- They Said, They Lied
- The Media’s Sacred Cows
- The Media’s Sacred Cows
- The Opioid Dossier
- Almost Heaven, Almost Hell
- Lawyer
- Sheriff
- Lost Generation
- Behind the Opioid Headlines
- The Opioid Story
- 101 Words That Spelled Death
- Overdose Chronicles
- Addiction by Mail
- News Briefs
- They’re Not Addicts, They’re Students
- Colonel Combats Drug Epidemic in El Salvador
- Going ‘Mano a Mano’ Against Drug Abuse
- Marching in New York to Protect Children
- Scientologists Use DFW to Fight the New Scourge in Greece
- Armed with the Drug-Free World Program, One Man Fights Drug Abuse in the Caribbean
- Carmen Margro Spearheads Battle Against Drug Abuse in South Africa
- Freedom’s Chemical Weapons Exposés
- Our Biochemical Society
- The Eight Dynamics

Connecting Communities
- Discover Flag & the Tampa Church
- Our Spiritual Headquarters: Welcome to Flag
- Tampa, a Culture Reborn
- Helping Those Who Help
- 25 Years of Service
- Cooperate. Connect
- Bringing Solutions
- Say NO to Drugs Runners Race for a Drug-Free Pinellas
- Fighting Violations with Awareness
- Still Bringing Relief After Irma
- Building Community
- CCHR Florida Calls a Halt to Baker Act Abuses of Children
- Working with the Community Helps Drop Crime
- Love Letters From Prison
- Making Dreams a Reality
- Flourish and Prosper
- Snapshots of What’s Been Happening Where

It’s New, It’s Bold, It’s On
- It’s New, It’s Bold, It’s On
- Shows That Matter
- Milestones
- Inside Scientology
- Meet a Scientologist
- Voices for Humanity
- The Metrics
- I am a Scientologist
- Destination: Scientology
- L. Ron Hubbard: in His Own Voice
- Our Beliefs & Practices
- Humanitarian Programs
- Freedom TV
- Reaching the World
- A Century-Long Legacy
- The True Story of Scientology

An Epic Year: The Scientology Humanitarian Movement
- Spiritual Rebirth
- Valley of Dreams
- Magical Miami
- City of Freedom
- Ireland Eternal
- A Revolution of the Spirit
- The Humanitarian Mission
- Cultural Icon
- City of Gold Shines
- Religious Freedom
- The Aims of Scientology
- A Force for Good
- When Disaster Strikes
- Doing the Heavy Lifting
- Rescue & Rebuild
- At the Epicenter
- Answering the Call
- Rights for All
- Human Rights Summit
- Women’s Rights
- Human Rights World Tour
- Connecting with Young Minds
- Operation: Drug-Free World
- Spelling Out the Anti-Drug Message
- Walking on the Drug-Free Side
- A Message of Hope
- Peace & Unity
- Mobilizing L.A.
- Miracle in the Making
- CCHR’s Banner Year
- The Metrics
- Marking Milestones
- Lives in Transformation
- An Era of Expansion

Hurricane Irma: Help in Her Wake
- Something CAN Be Done About It
- News Briefs
- In The Eye of the Storm
- Ready for Anything
- An Army Assembles
- Clearing Up Downtown
- Restoring Coachman’s Beauty
- Tackling the Damage
- Doing the Heavy Lifting
- Keeping It Cool
- Hot Meals for All
- Serving Where Needed
- A History of Helping
- Terrorist Attack, New York City
- Banda Aceh, Indonesia Tsunami
- Gulf Coast Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
- Pakistan Indus River Flood
- Haiti Earthquake
- Fukushima Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster
- Kaohsiung Gas Explosions
- Nepal Earthquake
- Hindu Kush Earthquake: Afghanistan & Pakistan
- Fiji Islands Cyclone Winston
- Hurricane Harvey, Rockport, Texas
- Hurricane Irma, St. Maarten
- Hurricane Maria, Dominica
- Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico
- Central Mexico Earthquake
- Reaching Out Across Pinellas
- Derrick Brooks Charities Advance Human Rights
- Community Leaders Encourage Good Choices
- Unconditional Help for Anyone, Anywhere
- Criminon Keeps Kids Out of the “System”
- Partners Join to Battle the Drug Problem
- Protecting Floridians from Baker Act Violations
- Uplifting Spirits
- Religious Influence in Society
- Neighborhood Hero O’Neal Larkin

Addiction Medicalizing Treatment: The Perils & Profits
- Addicted to Addiction
- News Briefs
- Drowning in a Sea of Misdirection
- Medicalizing Addiction
- Saving Lives
- A Landmark Reborn
- Valley of Dreams
- Writers of the Future
- A Ghost of a Chance
- A Talk with Mike Resnick
- Haiti the Years After
- Venezuelan Police Officer Saves Lives
- Fundamentals in Pakistan
- Protecting Freedoms
- Changes Can Happen
- Fostering Vital Discussion
- Clear Body, Clear Mind
- What is Communication?

Surveillance, Secrecy and You
- Privacy Matters
- News Briefs
- How Much Freedom?
- The Data Demon
- Sean Lawson
- Poisoned Justice
- Unlimited Vistas
- Riding for Peace
- Kenyan Spreads ‘A Life of Sharing’
- Narconon Honored
- Ukrainians Learn Their Rights
- British Man Plants Seeds for Drug-Free Lives
- Exposing the Enslavement of Blacks in South Africa
- The A-R-C Triangle
- Poisoned Justice
- Justice

Flag 2016: The Year in Review
- A Year for Making a Difference
- Dimensions of Expansion and Outreach
- Bright Year, Bright Future
- Charity Coalition
- The Hub
- Answers for All
- Block Party
- Humanitarian Outreach
- Education Uptrending
- NFL Star Gives Back to Community
- Greenwood’s Next Step
- To Honor Their Service
- One Year of Saved Lives
- The Creed of the Church of Scientology

Scientology 2016: The Year in Review
- Making the Vision Real
- Dimensions of Expansion and Outreach
- Harlem
- 55 New Churches Build Foundation for a Better World
- Spiritual Headquarters
- Olympics: 5,500 Volunteers Against Drugs
- Doing Good Works
- Fiji: Rebuilding Lives
- Reaching Out to the Emerald Isle
- Colombia: Rebels, Military & Human Rights
- Finding the Way to Happiness
- Helping Heal Pakistan
- International Summit Advances Human Rights
- Narconon Brings Success to Taiwan
- One Man Makes a Difference
- Scoring Important Goals in Europe
- Turning Latvia Around
- Welcome to Cuba: El Camino a la Felicidad
- The Aims of Scientology
- Overture
- The Voice of Scientology
- How Do You Reach the World
- Landmark Victory for Religious Freedom
- This is the International Association of Scientologists
- Atlanta
- Budapest
- Sydney

The Shocking Truth
- What Matters?
- News Briefs
- Is This Any Way to Vote?
- Electroshock Nation
- Conflicts of Interest
- Blunder in the Brain
- Diana Zuckerman
- Chemical Restraint
- Moving, Shaking, Harlem
- Freedom Fighters
- Spiritual Path
- Defining Religion
- ‘Be Prepared’
- Bringing News of Human Rights to Papua New Guinea
- The Way to Happiness Delivers Morality to Amsterdam
- Volunteer Ministers Help 9,450 Flood Victims
- Championing the Freedom of
Information Act - Druidism and Psychiatry
- The Parts of Man

The War on Taxpayers
- Wars and Whistleblowers
- News Briefs
- UFOs and Elvis and Nazis, oh my!
- Psychiatry’s Role in the Bosnian Genocide
- The War on Taxpayers
- Going Private
- Joe Cirincione on the New Trillions of Dollars Arms Race
- Going After Whistleblowers
- When Mainstream Media Back the Wrong Side
- Going Where The Pain Is
- Rebuilding Nepal
- ‘Extreme’ Adventures
- Scientology Tells Atlanta ‘Y’All Come’
- Plan + Commitment: 51 Ideal Churches done
- Unite and Win
- Honest People Have Rights, Too

Epidemic! Doctors, Pharma Spread Narcotic Scourge
- Antidote for Bigotry: Liberty
- News Briefs
- Media, Pharma Win; Citizens Lose
- Exposing the CIA’s Involvement in the Cocaine Trade
- Revealing the Dangers of Psych Drugs
- Pill Pushers: Purdue Pharma Cloaked Drug Dealers in Lab Coats
- The Seductress That Leaves Death in Her Wake
- Addicted to Money: Sackler Family Creates Deadly Legacy
- Calling Their Bluff
- Coming Out of the Cold
- Street Tales
- Amy Ronshausen on Prevention and Education
- How to Quell the Beast of Addiction
- Narconon is the Answer
- The Road Out
- Epidemic! Doctors, Pharma Spread Narcotic Scourge
- Preventing Drug Abuse at Its Roots
- “How Can I Help?”
- One School at a Time
- Ending Dependency—Stories of Narconon graduates
- Answers to Drugs

Working Together, Everyone Benefits
- Looking Good, Clearwater
- A Few Thousand Years From Now
- Open Doors To a Better World
- Don’t Be Fooled: Get Facts About Drugs
- Human Rights, A Universal Solution
- Ethics & Morality Equal Happiness
- A Colombia Miracle
- There Are Solutions To Crime
- Stronghold for Human Dignity
- Scientology Volunteers Get The Job Done
- The Way to Happiness

They’re Watching
- Early Head Start Program - Photo Essay by Bob Fletcher
- Oh, baby, Editorial
- Investigative Journalism Stories & Articles 2015
- Justice, by L. Ron Hubbard
- Getting It Right: Lessons in Journalism
- News Briefs
- Patriot Games - USA Patriot Act
- Reversing Antibiotic Resistance, Doctor Interview
- Orson Scott Card, Interview
- Freedom Factory, Church of Scientology Tampa
- Personal Integrity
- An Enduring Vision - Science Fiction/Fantasy Contest
- Stars That Make Dark Heaven Light
- Tool of the Trade - Trans-Pacific Partnership

People Who Read Are A Dying Breed
- People Who Read Are A Dying Breed
- Words of Wisdom, Editorial
- The Process of Learning, L. Ron Hubbard
- The Challenges of a New Media World
- High and Dry: Farmers in California Drought
- News Briefs
- Christine Chavez on Civil Rights
- Reading’s Falling From Favor
- Hello Hollywood, Walk of Fame, Scientology Center
- Confusion & Stable Datum, Scientology
- Bitter Pill: Pharmaceutical Drug Trials
- Kenting Park Rivers Polluted With Drugs
- Search and Rescue in Mexico City

Religion, Why You Should Care
- What Would a Day Without Religion Look Like?
- Religion, Why You Should Care
- A Nation of Many Religions
- Get Religion?
- Respect the Religious Beliefs of Others by L. Ron Hubbard
- News Briefs
- Human Trafficking: Interview With Andrea Powell
- Religious Freedom Advocate, Chris Seiple
- Locked & Loaded: Psychiatric Drug Violence in the Military
- The Relevance of Religion & Moral Values
in 2015 - Religion: The Compass Guiding Society
- Beyond Fame: Scientologist Celebrities as Humanitarians
- Church Is Where The Art Is: Nashville Scientology Celebrity Centre | Freedom Magazine
- Targets & Goals: Scientology Course
- Challenges for Human Rights Change in Cameroon
- Fukushima: The Disaster Continues
- Her Name Was Silje: Mental Health Abuse in Norway

Scientology: The Expansion Issue
- Advances Toward Ideal
- International Association of Scientologists Celebrates Progress at Saint Hill
- Expansion - Dec 2014 Issue, Freedom Magazine
- Determine Never to Be Idle
- Fair Sailing
- Global Reach
- Idea Factory
- Flag. It’s a destination, not a place
- Religious Influence in Society
- Model Narconon Centers
- Scientology Expansion
- Single Greatest Contributor
- Support Network

Held Back
- Held Back
- The Power Which Knowledge Gives
- Teaching
- A Learning Method That Works: Teach Kids How to Study
- The British Bias Corporation: Religious Prejudice in the Media
- News Briefs
- On Survival
- Industry of Death Museum Reveals Psychiatry’s Agenda of Crime and Abuse
- Shock Treatment: The Truth Behind Electroshock Therapy
- Young Love in London Overcomes Religious Prejudice
- Listen to the Teacher
- The Emotional Tone Scale
- Solving an International Drug Crisis by Running a Marathon
- Tibet’s Long Journey to Freedom, Led by the Dalai Lama and Human Rights
- Trouble in Paradise, Then Hope: Reducing Crime in South Africa

Created Equal
- Bringing a Message of Peace to Ferguson
- Created Equal
- That All Are Created Equal
- The Third Party Law
- Freedom of the Press Threatened by Corporate Media Prejudice
- ADD Drugs: I Won’t Take Them
- These ADHD Drug Statistics are Hard to Swallow
- The Attention-Deficit Fraud: Drug Companies Profiting From Normal Childhood Behavior?
- Just how easy is it for a child to get an ADHD diagnosis?
- News Briefs
- Reestablishing India's Moral Compass to Stop Voilence Against Women | Freedom Magazine
- Civil Rights Advocate Marian Wright Edelman
- How Religion is Helping the Community Move Past Racism in Ferguson | Freedom Magazine
- Tel Aviv Scientology Center Brings Interfaith Tolerance to the Middle East
- The Eight Dynamics
- Drug Education for Kids Can Stop Mexico’s Drug War
- Fighting for Human Rights in Timor-Leste
- Volunteer Search and Rescue Groups Digging Deep to Save Lives

L.A. Under the Influence
- Under Influence
- It’s Happening at our Doorstep
- From L.A. to the World
- What Is Greatness?
- A City Under the Influence
- The Corruption of Information
- A SWAT Team + a Tank vs. a Mother
- News Briefs
- Mobilizing Communities
- Mexico Human Rights Activist Rosi Orozco
- At the Right Time…
- Educate & Uplift
- …in the Right Place
- The Parts of Man
- Restoring Humanity
- The Letter That Shocked the World
- The Price of Human Life

Are They Drugged to Death?
- A Bright Flash of Yellow
- A New Look at Freedom
- An Ideal Night in Sydney
- Courage Betrayed
- Are They Drugged to Death?
- My Philosophy
- Reviewing the Reviewers
- What Are “Natural Causes” in 20-year-olds?
- News Briefs
- Out of the Shadows
- On Human Rights Education
- Preying on Immigrants
- Former Air Force Officer Chuck Ruby
- The Sleeping Dog
- The A-R-C Triangle
- Women Struggle for Humanity in Nepal

Flag Issue
- A New Scientology Cathedral
- The Flag Building
- Cathedral for the Future
- Elements of Design
- Building for the Future
- A Turning Point for the Religion
- Printing for Expansion
- The Fort Harrison
- The Oak Cove
- The Sandcastle
- Making a Prosperous Clearwater
- Giving Back to the Community
- Ideal Orgs Mark Era of Expansion
- What is Scientology?